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Enforcement and Compliance Information


ADEM Enforcement Notices

ADEM Enforcement Orders by Fiscal Year

UST Delivery Prohibition List

FY 2023 Industrial Users in Significant Non-Compliance with Pretreatment Standards

EPA's EnviroFacts Database

ADEM Visual Metrics Dashboards

State Review Framework

EPA's Searchable Compliance and Enforcement Database (ECHO)
The ECHO website can be a very useful tool for researching the compliance and enforcement histories of regulated facilities. However, the compliance status of facilities, as listed in ECHO, can be misleading. One frequent problem is that EPA and the states have different definitions of what constitutes a formal enforcement action, and when such cases are resolved. For example, if a facility has ever been subject to an enforcement action, ECHO continues to show that facility as out of compliance until the enforcement case has been formally resolved by EPA's standards, regardless of the presence or absence of current violations.

As you use the ECHO searchable database, please keep in mind that the site attempts to summarize complex issues, and may lead to misinterpretations. To avoid any misinterpretations you may wish to schedule a facility file review by contacting the ADEM Public Records Officer at records@adem.alabama.gov, fax to 334-271-7950, or mail your request to P.O. Box 301463, Montgomery, AL 36130-1463.